

I'm Christine Mullaney. 

Passionate about teaching you to express yourself CLEARLY and CONFIDENTLY every time you communicate.

Speak from your Solar Plexus

Why you? Why me? Why now?

When I was 7, I stood on a stage for the first time. At 10, I entered my first singing competition. No matter how many times I stood up to perform, I was nervous. But I never stopped doing it. 

The difference between speaking fear and joy is perception. When we give FEAR power, we lose before we've begun.

After 25 years teaching thousands of professionals from over 35 cultures how to speak, present and communicate impactfully, I've realised something.

The ONE thing that makes us all equal is...

FEAR when speaking in public.

But FEAR can be turned into FORCE! 

No matter who you are, where you're from, or what you do, you deserve visibility, you deserve to be heard, and you deserve to enjoy your speaking engagements. 

So here’s what I propose:

Make this year YOUR YEAR! The year you invest in achieving your dreams! 

I look forward to meeting you and journeying with you as you unleash the phenomenal presenter within!

About (Christine) Me

A LinkedIn "Top Presentation Skills & Public Speaking Voice," Christine is one of the hidden gems of strategic communication. For over 25 years, she’s taught, managed and facilitated training on 5 continents, to 3,500 learners from 35 countries. 

A TEDx speaker and speaker coach, former speaking examinerSpeech & Drama Feis co-organiser (amongst many other roles), and founding member of ELT Ireland, she combines a specialism in elocution, storytelling and public speaking, with her own approach, Neurocultural™ Communication, to deliver customised coaching that can catapult your communication and cross-cultural connections.

Since creating Connected Communication, Christine has worked with numerous professionals in a variety of industries, and as a coach and trainer with Fortune 500 tech firms, helping team members develop their confidence, public speaking and presentation skills.

Located between Ireland and Spain, Christine now also offers bespoke in-person & online workshops for local and international teams.

Christine also speaks at Costa Women events across Spain, hosts monthly live Public Speaking Practice sessions, runs the Connected Communication Resources Platform, and hosts her podcast of the same name, which ranked at 5% globally in its first 30 days. In her pleasure time, she blogs, hikes and is writing her first book, "Healing On The Camino." 


Christine's Certifications:


ICF Accredited: 

*Brain-based Conversations® / Results-focused Coach
*Neurolanguage® Coach
*Return to Wholeness - Gabor Mate Trauma Awareness
*The Neuroscience of Confidence & Trust
*Cambridge IELTS for Teachers & Examiners
*Competitive Voice: Spoken Word / Classical Singing / Sight Reading 

What is Neurocultural Communication(™)?

Neurocultural CommunicationTM Spiral

Brain Awareness

Knowing how the brain processes information and emotional triggers is crucial for effective communication. It helps manage audiences, tailor messages to be engaging, memorable and avoid communication barriers that can cause misunderstandings.

Self Awareness

Self-awareness is key to effective communication. By understanding our emotions, biases, and communication mannerisms, we can communicate more clearly and empathetically, avoid misunderstandings, building better relationships.

Language Awareness

Being aware of linguistic diversity is important for effective communication. By acknowledging and respecting different languages and dialects, we can manage our biases, communicate inclusively, build trust and bridge cultural divides.

Cultural Awareness

Cultural awareness is crucial for effective communication. By understanding cultural variations, we can avoid misunderstandings and communicate more respectfully and inclusively with people from diverse backgrounds.


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People remember how we make them feel.

Gizem, Speech & Language Therapist, Belgium (via Turkey)

"Christine and her approach point out to me how I can connect English with my mother tongue. I am delighted to have met and studied with her. She's touched my life. I'll never forget her and our fun times together."

Martina, Entrepreneur, Czechia

"Thank you so much Christine. I love your support and flexibility. You're so helpful. I really enjoy this blend of life and language coaching that we do."

Ana Carolina, Brazil

I met Christine when I worked in Dublin and she became an inspiration to me, both as a person and as a professional. I was impressed by her organizational skills as well as her leadership ones. I consider her as an example of what a leader should be for many reasons. Christine is very thoughtful and treats everybody kindly and with respect. Even though I had never worked in such position before, she believed that I could do a good job and made me believe as well.