WELCOME to Connected Communication

a podcast by Christine Mullaney

Confidence Coach | Neurocultural Communication& Pronunciation Trainer | Speaker🍀

Connected Communication is a quirky show designed to make you laugh and think, while nurturing natural confidence and cross-cultural communication skills in English. Your host Christine, and her expert guests, explore language, culture and the brain through the lens of self-awareness. Soak up their rich anecdotes, nuggets of neuroscience, and often awkward cultural experiences, picking up speaking and pronunciation secrets along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, coach, entrepreneur or educator, you will pick up actionable tools to overcome speaking fear and refocus, increase your confidence, and fast-track your fullest potential. Tune in every Tuesday.

Confidence Coach | Neurocultural Communication™ & Pronunciation Trainer | Speaker🍀

Connected Communication is a quirky show designed to make you laugh and think, while nurturing natural confidence and cross-cultural communication skills in English. Your host Christine, and her expert guests, explore language, culture and the brain through the lens of self-awareness. Soak up their rich anecdotes, nuggets of neuroscience, and often awkward cultural experiences, picking up speaking and pronunciation secrets along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, coach, entrepreneur or educator, you will pick up actionable tools to overcome speaking fear and refocus, increase your confidence, and fast-track your fullest potential. Tune in every Tuesday.


Want to be a More Confident Speaker?

Get exclusive access to unpublished video interviews and a full library of pronunciation, public speaking &communication training.

  • Develop professional public speaking skills.

  • Increase speaking confidence. 
  • Enhance your English Pronunciation.
  • Articulate clearly & confidently.  
  • Over 170 lessons!
  • Unpublished content.

  • Develop while you walk.
What is it?

 "I'm absolutely loving the podcast and course. I can't get enough of them!"

- Barry, UK


 "I can't believe you've got all this available. It's like the "Science of Speaking."

- Roberta, SA via USA

Get your Connected Communication fix today - it's just a simple download away!

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